From August 14th, 1997 until July 5th 2014 – for almost 17 years – the World of M.U.L.E. was an independent website.
It might take me a while to migrate all the content from the original website over here to it’s new home at Carpe Ludum. This is a hobby project though – who knows how much time it takes… Until I achieve that – here is something to remember the old World of M.U.L.E. as it looked like before on shortly before it was mothballed. Ah, those were the days…
Thanks to the Internet Archive, you can still view the “old” WoM in all it’s glory right before it was mothballed:

If you go further back in time, you encounter an even older version of WoM, before it was a CMS-based community site. Ah, those were the days! Plain hardcoded HTML!!