German M.U.L.E. fans got a big surprise when issue 8/1990 of PowerPlay magazine appeared: Deluxe M.U.L.E. for the Amiga was presented on a double page and looked very promising. Unfortunately it never saw the light of day – a great loss. Julian Eggebrecht, himself an ardent M.U.L.E. fan and former project leader at Infernal Byte Systems, lifted the veil of history in the very listenable StayForever PodCast #95. Julian told how he tracked down Dan Bunten himself and simply called him up to present the idea of developing M.U.L.E. for the Amiga. In this conversation it turned out that a prototype of a 16bit M.U.L.E. for the Atari ST had already existed since 1986 by a team around AJ Redmer; however, EA discontinued this project due to the commercial failure of the Atari ST. Today, together with AJ Redmer in the following interview, we are piecing together the puzzle of a worthy 16-bit version of M.U.L.E. that was never released.
- Read more in the deep dive on Deluxe M.U.L.E.