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    Hi Maheloas,

    that’s not a silly problem. I also own the game and will try it out later on with Fusion 3.64. Maybe it works on Linux instead of Windows, so maybe the problem is not related to Fusion at all but related to some other issue…

    However, at the current point in time development of Kega Fusion is not active. Maybe Steve Snake decides to revive it someday, but currently there is no indication.


    Thank you for your contribution! This makes me very happy (and a lot of other Win10 users, too).

    It is quite nice to see that Win10 still can run almost ten year old software, even though some fiddling is required.

    in reply to: Welcoming Party? #698

    Hi Lumanare,

    excellent idea, this should be a sticky thread for anyone who wants to introduce him/herself. 🙂

    Let’s chime in.

    I am 39 years old and live in Germany.
    I started with computer games around 1984 on a Commodore 64. Moving on to Commodore Amiga and finally PC on the home computer side. On the console side, I started with the Sega Mega Drive and Mega CD in 1990/91. Imported them from Japan to be ahead of the curve. Moving on to Sega Saturn and then Sega Dreamcast in mid and end 1990ies. After that down the PlayStation line of consoles, where I am stuck now. I never had enough free time to be a multi-system guy…

    I run this website since 1997 (whoopsie, 20th anniversary totally forgotten, it was on July 5th 2017) and hope to run it as long as I have some free time to spare. These days, free time for me is sparse, with a fulltime job, being married, plus having lots of other hobbies besides retrogaming too (jogging, playing piano, modern videogames, theatre/concerts, cinema, …).

    Originally, there were three websites – Eidolon’s Inn, Kega Fusion and World of M.U.L.E.. I joined them in 2014 in order to reduce my website maintenance efforts.

    Still happy to see that Carpe Ludum is still a bit active (but not much 🙁 ).

    in reply to: MorgothLoD is back … #663

    Hi there – a little late in replying due to the trouble with the site (spam attack). Welcome back! 🙂

    in reply to: Problem with Sega CD Games #483

    Hi manumanu, you may try with a different setting of the “perfect synch” option. But most likely, it is a bad version of the bin/cue and iso/wav files for the game (bad rip maybe?).

    P.S. I didn’t know there was an Android version of Kega Fusion… 😉

    in reply to: Hello! #482

    Thanks for joining! This forum is still quite new, but hopfully it will get more active when word gets around that Kega Fusion fans have a new place to hang out. 🙂


    Yep. I just checked my emulator archive. The first version of Genecyst was released on 30th June 1997. However, GenEm was released already in 1996.

    Still, you can call Genecyst the first decent Genesis emulator.

    What counts though as well is the usability of the emulator. GenEm had very little compatibility, only very few games worked. Furthermore, development was

    Genecyst definitely was the first usable Genesis emulator, and for a bit the best one – until KGen came by on 18th August 1997. The last KGen version 0.34b was for a long time the best Genesis emulator – until Kega Fusion came by. 🙂

    in reply to: Hi everybody #399

    Sith, probably you’re not old enough for the Inn after all!!!

    The “Tavern RPG” became “Pier Solar”! TulioAdriano is head of Water Melon Games who published it initially for Sega Genesis/CD in the late 00’ies, and is now working to re-publish “Pier Solar HD” for the current game console’s online game services (and Steam for PC).

    in reply to: Hello World! #398

    We’re all getting old, this is why I thought about renaming the site to “Old Inn” instead of “New-new-new-new-new Inn”—

    Let’s see where the last journey of the Inn is headed. As you can see from the “Carpe Ludum” introduction, I really do not have much time anymore to devote to gaming… But in any case, this version of Eidolon’s Inn is much easier to maintain than the old Tiki CMS based website!

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