Question: How do I get Kega 3.64 Windows run with more than 30fps in Windows 8/8.1?
Follow the first solution, it worked for me (though the right click menu is invisible in fullscreen but it works at 60 fps. 🙂
Question: How do I get Kega 3.63x Linux play sound in Linux?
Here’s what could work… open Kega then close it. Edit Fusion.ini and replace the word plughw with default so it reads ALSADeviceName=default (case sensitive and no spaces). Be sure to save and exit. Now open Kega and make sure the sound is enabled in the “Sound” menu at the top.
Question: How do I get Kega 3.63x to work in 64bit Linux systems?
As something called a Facebook decreed it as “National Sega Megadrive Day”, I decided to give Kega Fusion a spin. However, since the release of Oneiric Ocelot 11.10 (and defintely so with the next version due, Precise Pangolin 12.04 that I am testing now), changes were made by Debian (which Ubuntu is based on) regarding the handling of 32-bit libaries on 64-bit systems. As a result, ia32-libs which you just install and see Fusion run, may no longer work, at least it doesn’t with the recently updated development version of Ubuntu – Precise Pangolin.
I read that installing ia32-libs-multiarch should work if a program needs those libraries (as I believe Fusion does), however on my system, installing that package creates a whole mass of dependency problems (Wine, another 32-bit program, has the same problem). This however, should work and has for me:
First of all, download and install Fusion on your computer as you did before.
Next, open up a terminal (Ubuntu Unity: click the ubuntu icon and start typing ‘terminal’ (sans quotes) and then click the terminal icon; Kubuntu: From the KDE menu, go to Applications > System > Terminal (Konsole)) and type the following:
sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa:i386 libgtk2.0-0:i386 libasound2:i386 libsm6:i386 libasound2-plugins:i386
If you use ALSA alone, you can probably remove libasound2-plugins from that list, otherwise, install it.
That’ll install the bare minimum from a normal install of Ubuntu to get you a working Kega Fusion.
It may look ugly. To improve its appearance, install the i386 equivalient of the theme you are using. I use Kubuntu and the GTK2 Oxygen theme so that GTK2 applications blend in with the KDE desktop, so I would install:
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-oxygen:i386
Mega CD MP3 tracks
If you have Mega CD games which come with MP3 files instead of WAV files and you want sound, install the following:
sudo apt-get install libmpg123-0:i386
and change the following in the /home/(your username)/.Kega Fusion/Fusion.ini file from:
For some reason, it installs the 32-bit library in the 64-bit folder. However, it will work. A word of warning – if you use one of the small number of programs that needs the 64-bit version of libmpg123-0, you’ll encounter a depdency problem when trying to install the 32-bit version. Your only options are are to either manually install somewhere else and correct the link to it in the Fusion.ini file to where it now resides or use/convert the MP3 files to WAV.
Just got to get Wine working now without it removing all the i386 packages from the system and then still not work!